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Customer History
Date Reference Amount Balance Staff Item Summary
28-02-2020 S20B4 $0.00 $0.00 Bruce 269222 - HP Laptop Pavillion DV7 (S/N: C)
17-11-2010 R:90 N/A N/A MJS 210022 - Discount computer supplier
28-02-2020 S20B4 $0.00 $0.00 Bruce 269222 - HP Laptop Pavillion DV7 (S/N: C)
17-11-2010 R:90 N/A N/A MJS 210022 - Discount computer supplier
Date Staff Note
13-02-16 13:16 AW tested hard drive - computer won't detect and
13-02-16 13:16 AW tested hard drive - computer won't detect and
13-02-16 13:16 AW tested hard drive - computer won't detect and

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